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Dear friend!
Dear friend!
We have sad news for you: On April 4, 2017, our friend and companion, Heiner Michael Becker (born July 15, 1951) died unexpectedly at the age of 65 on the consequences of cerebral haemorrhage.
We have sad news: On April 4, 2017, our friend and companion, Heiner Michael Becker (born July 15, 1951) died unexpectedly at the age of 65 on the consequences of cerebral haemorrhage.
Since the end of the 1970s Heiner M. Becker has been intensively studying the history of international anarchism as a historian, collector and archivist, as well as an associate of the [https://socialhistory.org/ International Institute for Social History (IISH)] in Amsterdam. As an author and publisher of the publishing house “[https://www.alibro.de/Verlage/Bibliothek-Theleme:::363_403.html Bibliothek Thélème]” he has initiated and supported numerous research and publication projects on the historiography of international anarchism.
Since the end of the 1970s Heiner M. Becker has been intensively studying the history of international anarchism as a historian, collector and archivist, as well as an associate of the [https://socialhistory.org/ International Institute for Social History (IISH)] in Amsterdam. As an author and publisher of the publishing house “[https://www.alibro.de/Verlage/Bibliothek-Theleme:::363_403.html Bibliothek Thélème]” he has initiated and supported numerous research and publication projects on the historiography of international anarchism.

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